Saturday, May 3, 2014

Me and Star Trek

I am feeling exultant today, i don't even know why. May be because i got my new headphones. My roommate has asked me twice, dude why are you watching so many movies and i replied because i got new headphones and he was like WTF freak. Anyways i don't really care about that. I want to talk about Star Trek.Star Trek is awesome. It is fucking awesome. When i first time watched(Which is in 2010, yeah go on kill me i am not a urban brat) it i just came(not literally). I was like THIS IS ALL MY CHILDHOOD FANTASIES. I used to make spaceships from red clay and made sounds like pew pew, Star Trek is exactly like that.

But this is not all about my childhood reveries, its more than that. Star Trek is my ultimate defense mechanism. There is one big USS Enterprise in my head(metaphorically) in which i am the captain, pilot, doctor and first officer. I love this feeling. Whenever i feel down i tell myself, "what we do captain?" and then my captain says "Direct energy to forward shields, arm phasers". When i hate someone i tell myself "Fire!!!" When i have to go to some new place i say "Shields up, alert the medical bay". When i found myself going in wrong direction due to my depression cycles i tell myself "Set course to nine nod nod", "but captain that's collision course", " i know, shut the fuck up, i am captain here not you", "Aye Aye captain". These all metaphors just help me live another day on this planet. I am not saying this planet is miserable or something, <Insert "It's me, not you" dialog here>. Speaking of speaking to yourself my friend told me "i am going mad!" and i asked why? He said, "I talk to myself" and i was like "comeon dude i do it from my childhood" and he gave me one big fat creepy look.Damn those people who say movies are only for entertainment only, yeah they are for entertainment but for freaks like me they can be life saver. I know this sounds stupid but that is how it is. 

"This is the captain speaking, end the transmission!", "Aye Aye capt!"

-THIS PART IS IRRELEVANT-I am not bragging when i was little we grew vegetables in our backyard. I loved carrots because i would take my clay spaceships there and imagine them(the carrots plants) as big trees on a planet where everything is BIG so big that spaceships can land on tree's branches and humans are tiny there. Sounds familiar? YUP! Avatar!